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Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Dear brother I can prayer for your soul that may Jesus reveal Himself to you before you may be put before Him on the judgement day,
Thank u,I sure believe in God whom Jesus worshipped who sent Jesus with a message to lost sheep of Israel(as Jesus himself said)to revive the law(of Moses that was changed by Jews)Jesus said Good deeds adn believein faith(beleive in One God) are necessary.Jesus said when I leave I shall send you a comforter.(when I leave only then,and who is this comforter who ,will glorify me and will remain with you forever.Prophet Muhammad is this,not the holy spirit cause holy spirit was already there.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Dear brother I can prayer for your soul that may Jesus reveal Himself to you before you may be put before Him on the judgement day,

Anonymous user 7 years ago

Anonymous user 7 years ago
10 Human Rights Atrocities Justified Using The Christian Bible**********************Google this article.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
My advise to u christians is to be a Paksitani where you are living,and like Muslims (which u hate,this is my personal experience.)West never is sincere with human values,today in US ,Govt is separating children from parents and dumping children in foster homes so makeing them into orphans.But no Billy Graham and his likes will ever open their mouth because they don't give a damn anyway.Jesus never taught anything in this area.He just died for ur sins so u could do more sins.He is not role modl

Anonymous user 7 years ago
IN US students take loans and never can pay it because it is compound interest which keeps on going up and up and man dies with loan still not paid.Would have been better if these christian coutnries would have taken care of their people first,In US many many old people die in apartments and neighbors find with stink,and no one is there to come and see man when he is alive.Old people live on very meager pension and remain hungry many a times.I mean where is Jesus now.Stop using relgion as tool.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
And dear check your all impartiality carefully, you need to open your heart before God Almighty, n keep studying about how Christianity helped Pakistani in educational sector n in medical sector.. Blessings
I am not ready to beleive the sincereity in missionary work in Pakistan or elsewhere in area of education and health.Chrsitan west destroys first a country then goes to show world it is spending money to improve all hogwash all hypocrycy.Read the book "Confessions of economic hitman"by John Perkins,in which he tells how US destroys a country through wrong advises to make projects which are bound to fail and then entangle it non payable loans due to high interest.Then comes to show some charity.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Mother Theresa spent her life n died in India, in which part of world do you live my brother, I don't want to make you feel embarrassed any more my dear brother, people will be laughing on your knowledge about such topics, please watch our shows n ask yourself questions?
Mother Theresa yes from Albania a mostly Muslim country but she preferred to go to India.She did good work there,yes is there any idom"CHarity starts at home"Still I acknowledged her work but Edhi worked in many more countries,in many more areas like orphanage,shelters,feeding homeless but he was Muslim and therefore was not acknowledged but that is not surprising,Noble prize is given for the advancement of Western propaganada agenda,like Malala got it for US to continue war in that area.Haleluy

Anonymous user 7 years ago
And dear check your all impartiality carefully, you need to open your heart before God Almighty, n keep studying about how Christianity helped Pakistani in educational sector n in medical sector.. Blessings

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Mother Theresa spent her life n died in India, in which part of world do you live my brother, I don't want to make you feel embarrassed any more my dear brother, people will be laughing on your knowledge about such topics, please watch our shows n ask yourself questions?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
And yes Edhi spent his whole life in helping people and white christians blocked him getting noble peace prize,while same prize was given to Mother Theresa.How unfair but that is not surprising to us who have seen white christians contradictions in speaking and doing.Every Paksitani felt this and said but not even one Pkaistani christian said in support of Edhi.Why?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
They saved your generations other wise future of Pakistan was bleak, you need to study history of the Christian missions, if you can't then at least help me to find great Muslim doctors n engineers I'm that era, I will be really obliged to you :) blessings
WHite man comes to a country and kills all men,rape women,and then send christian missionaries who has bible in one hand and bread in the other and says accept Jesus as savior and will be saved(meanwhile he has made them orphan and widows)so rest he makes them christians.Will Jesus be proud of this?So why they do in his name such barbaric actions.Why don't you condemn this?WHole north,central and south America,australia,newziland was slaughtered by chrisitans then converted shame on you and them

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
I think you should consider about Billy Graham, mother Theresa, Dr, Fau , Dr, Sandeman,Dr, Sutton who opened who helped Pakistani people to have hospital in Quetta in 1886, Dr, Henry Holland who operated many Pakistani in 1935 who were suffering with eye infections , Sarah Platt Doremus , who paved the way for another hospital in Quetta, 1860, my dear brother, I advice you study biographies of such great n forgotten Christians because of whom u have Pakistan
Billy Graham was a bum who talked about preference of white race over non whites,supported all wrong things white people did.Mother Theresa did not for the people but for her church.Hospital in QUetta,u think they did to help local people.American christian missionaries and before them Brits were opening hospitals/dispensaries to reach out to ordinary poor people,and opened schools to reach ruling elite.My friend don't be naieve,if the whites are not nice to their own countrymen why r to others?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Dear brother every good life will end in grave you are advised to think about Bible ,have peace of mind, and a will to do better things , think positively, and live a holy life by following Holy God manifested in the Bible :) blessings
Thats why OI am referring you about a book written by an American Pastor Chris Sonksen "Quit church"Write him a letter and tell him same.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
They saved your generations other wise future of Pakistan was bleak, you need to study history of the Christian missions, if you can't then at least help me to find great Muslim doctors n engineers I'm that era, I will be really obliged to you :) blessings

Anonymous user 7 years ago
I think you should consider about Billy Graham, mother Theresa, Dr, Fau , Dr, Sandeman,Dr, Sutton who opened who helped Pakistani people to have hospital in Quetta in 1886, Dr, Henry Holland who operated many Pakistani in 1935 who were suffering with eye infections , Sarah Platt Doremus , who paved the way for another hospital in Quetta, 1860, my dear brother, I advice you study biographies of such great n forgotten Christians because of whom u have Pakistan

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Dear brother every good life will end in grave you are advised to think about Bible ,have peace of mind, and a will to do better things , think positively, and live a holy life by following Holy God manifested in the Bible :) blessings

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Quit Church: Because Your Life Would Be Better If You Did Quit Church: Because Your Life Would Be Better If You DidJun 5, 2018 by Chris Sonksen and Dave Ferguson $12.61 $ 12 61 $14.99Prime ****************************************************************************************************************** order above book from Amazon.com
The writer of the above book is an American Pastor of long experience.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Quit Church: Because Your Life Would Be Better If You Did Quit Church: Because Your Life Would Be Better If You DidJun 5, 2018 by Chris Sonksen and Dave Ferguson $12.61 $ 12 61 $14.99Prime ****************************************************************************************************************** order above book from Amazon.com

Anonymous user 7 years ago
I'm a pastor and I want you to quit church. Now! | Fox News www.foxnews.com/opinion/2018/06/23/im-pastor-and-want-to-quit-church-now.html

Anonymous user 7 years ago
U.S. Fox News I'm a pastor and I want you to quit church. Now! At a time when church attendance is shrinking in America, I, a pastor, am encouraging people to quit church. Why? The answer is birthed out of conversations and research I’ve been a part of over the last several years. Regularly, I meet and train pastors and church**********************************Above article appeared in US fox news"I am a pastor and I want you to quit church now"You can google it.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
U.S. Fox News I'm a pastor and I want you to quit church. Now! At a time when church attendance is shrinking in America, I, a pastor, am encouraging people to quit church. Why? The answer is birthed out of conversations and research I’ve been a part of over the last several years. Regularly, I meet and train pastors and church**********************************Above article appeared in US fox news"I am a pastor and I want to quit church now"You can google it.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Can any person use Jesus's name n say that he is free to lie, or there will be no end to the world, there are no angels, etc, don't worship God, should grateful to God, shouldn't pray for their enemies, should not pray, worship Satan, I have mentioned few reservations of mine , I feel that clear signs that can be seen in a uninspired word ,
White christians used name of Jesus to kill,rob and destroy the resources of mankind,look at inquest,crusades,slavery,separation of children from parents,etetc.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
What sacrifices Jesus did, which we Christians do not know, n still being persecuted for His Holy name n which you have persevered although don't even regard Him , who He said He was in the first century? When He used to speak different language, lived in a different culture, who died and rose again n will come to judge the world, who changed coward band I'd followers to brave witnesses of His ministry
This what is supposed to be done by a prophet from God and all did miracles each with different outcomes due to different enviornment.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Brother what else these professors n like them say, about the Bible , you should quote them as well, what about Dr, James White, Dr, William lane Craig, etc.. I can make a list of hundreds who still believe that Gospel is the inspired Word of God, I make it more easy of you
I also analyse something from being impartial and am surprised to see at one hand skyhigh claims,like Jesus is son of God and Bible is unchanged book yet what I see is not in according to this

Anonymous user 7 years ago
May God bless you Amen!

Anonymous user 7 years ago
What sacrifices Jesus did, which we Christians do not know, n still being persecuted for His Holy name n which you have persevered although don't even regard Him , who He said He was in the first century? When He used to speak different language, lived in a different culture, who died and rose again n will come to judge the world, who changed coward band I'd followers to brave witnesses of His ministry

Anonymous user 7 years ago
But dear brother, you havent answered my question yet?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Can any person use Jesus's name n say that he is free to lie, or there will be no end to the world, there are no angels, etc, don't worship God, should grateful to God, shouldn't pray for their enemies, should not pray, worship Satan, I have mentioned few reservations of mine , I feel that clear signs that can be seen in a uninspired word ,

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Brother what else these professors n like them say, about the Bible , you should quote them as well, what about Dr, James White, Dr, William lane Craig, etc.. I can make a list of hundreds who still believe that Gospel is the inspired Word of God, I make it more easy of you

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Or your faith, and thirdly Christianity is a trinitarian belief, Katibeen e wahi , n those who wrote were under the inspiration of holy spirit, n witnessed everything about Jesus, from His earthly ministry, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension and still encountered presence of Holy Spirit, they lived a holy life, n martyred for what they believed. And people all knee about Christian faith long ago before wikipedia came into existence

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Dear brother, when you write thesis for a any reputable university, they don't accept Wikipedia as a recommended source, secondly wekipidia isnt a prophetic website , do u think, you will decide anything about your faith what it may recommend about you?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
wikipedia says Bible is written by 4 unknown authors 75 to 99 years after Jesus and can't be trusted for accuracy.This is what Bible professors in US,UK and Australia nad Europe are saying,in too much emotionalism his teachings were lost.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Bibel is all corrupted Read jeremiah 8:8,Gospel has Paul a jew agent inject his statements agianst the teachings of Jesus and you quote him even more in repsect than Jesus.confirming Jesus is under Paul.Is this right?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Tell me one thing can you create a person Like Jesus with your imagination n then start worshipping him?
This is human nature,Hinduism they created many gods,christians did,Human being loves and respects someone and elevates his status to God.Nothing new.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
If you can not, then I must say what on earth made others in first century monotheists accept Jesus as Divine? The Jews of that time were strict monotheists , if you don't believe me , read Josephus, Philo, Testius, Seutionous
Don't u remember he said when asked which is the biggest commandment,"Hear oh Israel,ur lord and mine is one God.He said I can't do nothing on my own but what I do is because of God.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
And as far as Jesus's scarifices are concerned , may I know something about them which are not mentioned in the Gospel, we Christians don't know, but you know them only, please quote any, and the source as well ? Blessings
He lived a simple life,he ran into problems with jews while telling them to stop practices that were against the law.He was ridiculed and laughed at and jews used to put him on the spot to insult him.U didn't know them?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Dear brother, we are not saved by following Him alone, we have to accept Him as Who He Is? And He proved it, still proves :)
What about following his advices as he gave.Do good deeds,follow the law,don't eat pork,get circumcised.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
And as far as Jesus's scarifices are concerned , may I know something about them which are not mentioned in the Gospel, we Christians don't know, but you know them only, please quote any, and the source as well ? Blessings

Anonymous user 7 years ago
If you can not, then I must say what on earth made others in first century monotheists accept Jesus as Divine? The Jews of that time were strict monotheists , if you don't believe me , read Josephus, Philo, Testius, Seutionous

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Tell me one thing can you create a person Like Jesus with your imagination n then start worshipping him?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Dear brother, we are not saved by following Him alone, we have to accept Him as Who He Is? And He proved it, still proves :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
As I have closely looked upon your statement , I feel that you already judged me , n then started talking about partiality :) my brother I m not judging you, but I clearly stated my position, I m a Christian, but it bases upon my relationship with, my faith is not that something which may help me to stand before my Lord, but convices me that I need to be accepted :) blessings, it's Sohail
Your faith needs u to be accepted wihtout following the model of Jesus as human but worshiping him as god.What a waste is done to all the sacrifices Jesus did.was that a joke.?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
My dear friend if you carefully study you will not find a single person who ever lived with so called phenomenon impartiality. People are wired to believe, but word teaches us otherwise, n this is because (As Bible clearly teaches) that fall of the first caused this, we live in a cursed world)
Yes we are in world without impartiality but to reach some correct analysis one should start with impartiality.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
But in Christianity , we have been told to build relationship with our Creator n Sustainer, n one can not do it without the faculty of conscience. Even this is the most important commandment of Torah written down for us by the fingers of God Himself.. Deuteronomy 6:4-5
All the faiths say to build up relationship with creator,Islam says by following the commandments,chrsitanity says believe in Jesus died for your sins and thus the problem started and everyone started to interpret it in his ways to the extent that Jesus in churches of african nations is black man,in chinese and Korean looks like them and in white is caucasian.If thisis not joke what is this.Thats why in Islam there are no images.same is teaching of christiantiy but lip service more.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Brother if you trust me, u can leave your email or your phone no , then we will talk to u in person, n pray together blessings, ( Sohail )

Anonymous user 7 years ago
As I have closely looked upon your statement , I feel that you already judged me , n then started talking about partiality :) my brother I m not judging you, but I clearly stated my position, I m a Christian, but it bases upon my relationship with, my faith is not that something which may help me to stand before my Lord, but convices me that I need to be accepted :) blessings, it's Sohail

Anonymous user 7 years ago
My dear friend if you carefully study you will not find a single person who ever lived with so called phenomenon impartiality. People are wired to believe, but word teaches us otherwise, n this is because (As Bible clearly teaches) that fall of the first caused this, we live in a cursed world)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
But in Christianity , we have been told to build relationship with our Creator n Sustainer, n one can not do it without the faculty of conscience. Even this is the most important commandment of Torah written down for us by the fingers of God Himself.. Deuteronomy 6:4-5

Anonymous user 7 years ago
First thing is that 99.99%people inherit faith form parents,without analyzing,thinking,pondering,questioning,u n me are no different.Hindus professors in university also the same,drink urine of cow without thinking.So first step should be if one believes there is a God that one should start with impartiality.U r sitting on a spot where u can't be impartial,so for little fame and money u have chosen ur religious culture above God and seeking him or his pleasure.I was born in Muslim home but studi
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