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Anonymous user 7 years ago
[QUOTE]Anonymous user says
sometimes I watch your show,but lately I see argument for the sake of argument,Please,I appeal to both sides to do self control,once come personal,then you loose argumer

Anonymous user 7 years ago
sometimes I watch your show,but lately I see argument for the sake of argument,Please,I appeal to both sides to do self control,once come personal,then you loose argument.Both sides learn to control.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Bye as you have lost the debate n showed that in the last you like to fight, we put this case before Lord above all to touch your heart n bestow upon you His wisdom so you can think properly

Anonymous user 7 years ago
So your arguments are finished now, you can't defend that your prophet Mirza Ghulam was a fake, thanks for accepting it, you said wake up, n still claim that you are right because you are greater in numbers then Christians, dear remember one thing if your sleeping then you can not lead the world, you shouldn't

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Please don't discuss non issue, let's talk about God's plan for our lives, and which faith presents the heart of the Divine :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Christopher Clombus wasnt a pastor, so what's your point, even Mohammad Bin qasim did worse than what Christopher Clombus did?
You have said your heart,your hatred of Islam/Muslims is more than the Hindus of India.I hope Pakistani people wake up to it.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Is your site a christian site or propaganda front for US state department to promote its image and policies?YOu like to talk more about non christian issues.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Christopher Clombus wasnt a pastor, so what's your point, even Mohammad Bin qasim did worse than what Christopher Clombus did?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Please watch the show, n talk about the topic, blessings!

Anonymous user 7 years ago
My question:is your site for the presentation of christianity or for deviation from it to everything else so you can get more hits.? So as people say that Bible is the basis of slavery in the world.,as it talks about Ham,and white christians use it to justify.Christopher columbus came,killed men,raped women,then came clergies saying Jesus died for your sins and accept him as savior so converted rest to christians,in whole of Americas,Australia,many countries of Africa,phillipines etc.!

Anonymous user 7 years ago
But please do mention some serious and authentic sources to prove your case :) n do mention something about Muslims of the Arab world , in indo Pak were also fighting to end slavery, any ancient quote can help, want to learn from you ;)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
But for serious student of history, it's easy to disasprove this theory ;), let's check your authentic sources , the way I mentioned few names who fought against slavery , you can mention at least your heroes if they really exist in those days can be traced out, not a big deal :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
We just heard that internet was invented by Indians during Mahabharata, an article by Indian minister, very recently...

Anonymous user 7 years ago
One more question who sold them to Americans? And who fought for their freedom, do you know any Muslim in those days did this brave act?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Please mention the source, here

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Tell me one single thing, did you Muslim forefathers fought for America against British?
Yes.I read an article about 5,000 muslims and Arab americans who were slaves fighting during the revolutionary war. During world war II there were 15,000 Arab americans fighting during the war. Source(s):

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Christianity is known for many evil behaviors,one is crusade,and spreading with sword and second is creation and continuation of slaveryBecause Ham was the father of black people, and because he and his descendants were cursed to be slaves because of his sin against Noah, according to Bible"Africans and their descendants are destined to be servants, and should accept their status as slaves in fulfillment of biblical prophecy."This is same crooked thinking that Adam sinned so every descendent is

Anonymous user 7 years ago
These two guys are meek n humble, I love their apologetics, but have my own way to deal moron like you ;)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Please complete your formal education

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Check your historical record your so called khikfat (Turkey) took part with Germans, to subdue west, but lost n your Arab league came into existence, your history is too poor to talk

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Did your Muslim forefathers ever fight any fight for independent in European countries?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Tell me one single thing, did you Muslim forefathers fought for America against British?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Abolitionist were not Muslims, Abrahim Lincoln wasn't a Muslim, the guy who wrote Amazing grace wasn't a Muslim, why you want to take credit for something you haven't done nothing for?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
I learn a lot from these two brothers, if their ratings going high , it simply means people like them geneuely, don't feel jealous

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Islam was first to speak against slavery: prove it , dear friend, do you watch news, how many fillipino , Bangladeshi, Indian girls die as sex slaves in Arabian pinusvilla? Do u know how many Muslims landlords have slaves in Pakistan who on occasions been found torturing their slaves, your current affairs knowledge is rotten then your history, I don't know why are u still alive, n please u didn't mention any historical monuments erected in honour of any Muslim who fought against slavery? ;)"

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Why u write 1 line in 1 post so your hits and posts add up and your rating goes up.?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
How slavery got ended? And what role islmacists played is the ultimate question for modern historian, and keep dreaming n talking to yourself that you are impartial :) chill you poor historian chill
Islam was the first faith to speak and work against slavery.Christianity created,supported and promoted slavery Look in USA.White folks had slave farms tall men and tall women made to mate to produce tall children and when reach age of 12 sold to different bidders.Black people are cursed and children of Ham is the basis for this.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Bible say black people cursed, but accepted by Qur'an :) so what's the point :)
Don't go to white churches.Don't have to be Ph.D to understand this.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
How slavery got ended? And what role islmacists played is the ultimate question for modern historian, and keep dreaming n talking to yourself that you are impartial :) chill you poor historian chill

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Be a good student of history

Anonymous user 7 years ago
And one more thing , can you find in history about those who fought against history ever read Qur'an?, People like: Federick Douglas, William Lloyd Garrison Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Brown, Angelina Grimek, please find it Emancipation Proclamation (January 1863), special note: you will never be told about it by Liberal media who are supported by Many Islamic Funding :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Please being a half Muslim you must know to answer

Anonymous user 7 years ago
You tell me one simple question, why a Punjabi prophet receives divine messages in Arabic under the light of Suraj Abrahim 4

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Bible say black people cursed, but accepted by Qur'an :) so what's the point :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
here is something that appeared in newspaper today.May be you will like to see the truth about compilation of bible.https://www.thedailybeast.com/bible-loved-by-christian-fundamentalists-written-using-method-they-hate

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Bible says to black people as cursed.I hope you dont go in church of white people.Haleluya.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
You made me laugh kid (impartial) haha, halirious
Ha ha ha ha

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
So you think you are impartial, let me say, would you follow what Ibn Waaraq say about your holy book?
Ibn-e-warqa was written much later with an agenda of maligning and deceiving and distorting as has been the work of christians.Even today west for the sake of money and power will change the results of researches but who cares,for you they are your god,as Jesus looked like them.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Read history about your religion researched by westerners whose medicine u take when u get sick, whose invention u people use when need to travel, imagine your impartiality, if they were not who they are, you Muslim community would have been traveling on donkies like in many parts of the Muslim world
westerners also were taking medicine by Muslims physicians,and following their science,when they were in dark ages,Time changes,high for one and low later.Nothing remains permanent.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Dear friend we read Qur'an, n understand well,since Jews n Christians received divine guidance long before Islam appeared in Arabia, you better but a Bible n start reading it, instead quoting what athiest's work but by bit
Quran is preserved and also contains the teachings of Moses and Jesus while the OT and NT are lost,Read Jeremiah 8:8.Did God write this?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
If you are impartial read itaqan by jalal ul din siuti
have read that and you quoute what is convenient,and hide what goes against you,all without context.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
You made me laugh kid (impartial) haha, halirious

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Read history about your religion researched by westerners whose medicine u take when u get sick, whose invention u people use when need to travel, imagine your impartiality, if they were not who they are, you Muslim community would have been traveling on donkies like in many parts of the Muslim world

Anonymous user 7 years ago
If you are impartial read itaqan by jalal ul din siuti

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Dear friend we read Qur'an, n understand well,since Jews n Christians received divine guidance long before Islam appeared in Arabia, you better but a Bible n start reading it, instead quoting what athiest's work but by bit

Anonymous user 7 years ago
So you think you are impartial, let me say, would you follow what Ibn Waaraq say about your holy book?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Just imagine for a second, you wrong Trinity affirmed in your holy book, your masters are Athiest, your prophet was a Punjabi , who received wahi in Arabic, n whose knowledge of divine scriptures was challenged by both Muslims n Christians
Quran doesn't affirm trinity.You are wrong and don't want to be impartial while reading something.REad Quran yourself..

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Because of you worship wrong diety an imposter, that is why you don't feel embarrassed to consult Athiest for confirming authenticity of the holy scriptures :)
Real imposter is Paul,who even contradicted Jesus(so called God by you)and you say Paul said this,paul wrote this in his letter.I mean you make someone a god,then make another one above him,very flexible with religion.Haleluya.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Just imagine for a second, you wrong Trinity affirmed in your holy book, your masters are Athiest, your prophet was a Punjabi , who received wahi in Arabic, n whose knowledge of divine scriptures was challenged by both Muslims n Christians

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Because of you worship wrong diety an imposter, that is why you don't feel embarrassed to consult Athiest for confirming authenticity of the holy scriptures :)
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