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084 - سچ کا سفر
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Anonymous user 7 years ago
Quran is divine book given from God to Muhammad,over 23 years and the biggest thing is that it has a chapter on Maryam(Mary) but not on any woman member of Muhammad's family(wife,daughter or mother)is a proof that the book came form God who had sent also Jesus.If the book was written by Muhammad there would not have been any chapter on Mary but on family of Muhammad.Quran is not in order as it is not a book written by a man,it came when there was a need to explain somethin,or answer a question

Anonymous user 7 years ago
I mean to say Quran claims that's it us understandable, yet it's not in logical historical order, incomplete information, have wrong information about people's faith , belief, how one can follow or believe in such book ?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Hey you didn't answer my questions why you follow your Quran when ur doesn't say much about Prophets n their wives even books bestowed upon the?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
I hope you are not going to stress more to make me quote Kashti-e-Noah
You can if there is something.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
I hope you are not going to stress more to make me quote Kashti-e-Noah

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Ghulam Burq.Jillani was a Muslim scholar

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Mirza considered himself higra e aswad , page 215

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Same righter quoted Mirza again: Allah said to him, (Mirza) you are from my water ... Anajam e Nathan : Ghulam B Holland , pages 214-215

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Tract no 134 (Islamic scarifice) by qazi yaar Mohammed states that Mirza felt as he is a woman n Allah had consorted with her (him) : Quoted by Dr. Ghulam B. Holland, page 215

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Sure, with complete reference, but how you gonna check? Since you already believe that he is a prophet, but anyways, I use people of his times
I believe faith only with facts and choosing rather than inheriting it.Do u the same?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Sure, with complete reference, but how you gonna check? Since you already believe that he is a prophet, but anyways, I use people of his times

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Get ready mate
But with reference that can be checked.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Get ready mate

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Well, it means you know nothing about him

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Or we will mention here all his beliefs about himself :)
OK let me see what you know about him?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Or we will mention here all his beliefs about himself :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
My dear ahmedi friend please study your faith critically

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Mirza Ghulam ahemed was proud to be Allah's consort

Anonymous user 7 years ago
He was quite famous for having aex with his God during sleep

Anonymous user 7 years ago
We have seen your punjabi Babu's picture, he was one eye blinded

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Please answer my questions first, where do you stand you don't follow Qur'an completely, you try to interpret Bible, in which you don't believe, you add from non spiritual dogma of non believers, like Athiests, brother look at yourself, take all you believe about God, Holy books , prophets, n compare with what idiocy you believe being a follower of Punjabi Nabi

Anonymous user 7 years ago
I reply to the confusion u try to spread.If ur faith taught u moral courage which comes from spirituality u would have been open and not hiding behind quotes from Quran to support ur beliefs when u don't believe in Quran n Islam to begin with.See that today's christianity is 180 degrees away from what Jesus preached and taught..Or do u believe that it is what he exactly taught?Just think.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Say cheese :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Find any book which may have bestowed upon your Punjabi Nabi buy Japanese angel Tachi, n then come here to talk to us

Anonymous user 7 years ago
When feel no answer to a question asked by a true believer , you always find your hope in Athiest's corner :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
You are heretic cult my Amehdi guy

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Please set your belief firm n prove that you belong to any particular group of faith

Anonymous user 7 years ago
You stand nowhere, you believe in a Punjabi Nabi, who was delusional, and died because of bad stmoch, whose predictions were rediculied in his lifetime, so my friend where do you stand?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
But as you are an ahemdi not fully Muslim not fully Christian, you yourself have to decide which book you consider holy, since Muslims don't believe that Chriest died on the cross , n Christians believe he died n resurrected then ascended to heaven, they both try to prove their cases from their books, where do you stand?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Holy books are for guidance of human beings with stories of past and lessons to learn,towards belief in one God and doing good deeds.If this is lost as has happened in Old testament with pornography and Jeremiah 8:8(why were scribes putting lies because the powerful jews didn't want to follow the law,so Jesus was sent,he also couldn't complete his work and same jews made sure that his book is not found,so they can do additions,deletions,and changes.After him,God sent Muhammad with Quran.follow.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Now let's check how good your teachers were who taught you Islam? :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
As you claimed that you became Muslim after good deal of studying Islam, now I have a question for you, please find name of the first wife of Adam (as per your belief) bibi Hawa in Arabic Qur'an?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
My dear friend if you became Athiest then you must have faced death threats, show us any fatwa against you, if you can't then there is a trust issue, as u claimed yourself that you became Muslim after deep studies , you know taqqayia (holy lies) in Islam, do you wish that we teach you real Islam :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Once a liar always a liar, please accept my apologies :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
My dear friend if you became Athiesm then you must have faced death threats, show us any fatwa against you, if you can't then there is a trust issue, as u claimed yourself that you became Muslim after deep studies , you know taqqayia (holy lies) in Islam, do you wish that we teach you real Islam :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Oh my dear friend how long did you study, or did you study islam with Qur'an with translation, did you study ibn warraq,

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
We will go further, when you prove us that what you believe is not a blind faith ;)
yes u are right,every one including me inherits faith of his parents blindly,then I became atheist then one day God in his mercy hit me with a difficult situation so then I started to do research and studied Hinduism,Christianity and after a long study came to believe that oNly Islam is the truth,every thing else has changed.If someone believes in God,that this universe did not come on its own,then he should become impartial and study all faiths and find GOD.I did this and you should also.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Please n remember, we asked u a question about name of your dear prophet in the Bible which is the true word of God , who is the God of Abraham?
God of Abraham and every other prophet and human and creation is Allah in Arabic.ur giving different names is deviation from truth.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
The persons of holy Trinity are their so far, so that help us to be content that Christianity is true, tell me one thing can you find Muslims from the Bible? N what about you? Your are a living being , person still can't find your name in the Bible , or any encyclopedia :)
Ur logic is amazing,trinity is a bedrock of Christian ideology,u compare it with my name.This is not a right thinking.But that's what happens when people r trying to defend corruption.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Or give us privileged to inform how did you get 25 names of Allah which are not mentioned in your holy book?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
We will go further, when you prove us that what you believe is not a blind faith ;)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Please n remember, we asked u a question about name of your dear prophet in the Bible which is the true word of God , who is the God of Abraham?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Poor logic you apply , n please there are 25 names of Allah are not found in the Qur'an n yet you believe that Allah's attributes show his characteristics, now the issue is : Christianity claims that they have the eye witness accounts of those who witness the Three Person Of the Holy Trinity, including the Last Prophet (John the Baptist) in Hebrew Bible we have Elohim as a counterpart of The Holy Trinity, now tell me how you going to explain to us 25 Attributes of Allah, when you don't haveQur'a

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Please think logically

Anonymous user 7 years ago
The persons of holy Trinity are their so far, so that help us to be content that Christianity is true, tell me one thing can you find Muslims from the Bible? N what about you? Your are a living being , person still can't find your name in the Bible , or any encyclopedia :)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Show me word "Trinity" or word "Christianity" in gospel and collect $500.Paul was an imposter jew who worked to destroy the teachings of Jesus.His sayings in contradiction to teachings of Jesus are part of Gospel.Why?Christianity is for jews,by them to control christians.No Jesus in it.Muslims put Jesus above Paul(a declared enemy of Jesus)Christians without understanding put Paul over Jesus.Who loves Jesus more?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Prove if Jesus is bigger than Paul(who never met Jesus)to get $500.Religion is completed by the founder in his life time except Christianity .Paul made changes &reversed teachings of Jesus &then the new editions of bible! 404 Jesus' Words Only (Second Edition 2007) - Free

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Get $1000 if you show me gospel according to Jesus(written by him or in his time or by his disciples)Get $750 if you tell me who are the writers of Gospel.Get$500 if you show me a gospel without contradictions.Get $500 if u show where Jesus himself says in clear wordings"I am GOD" or "Worship me" Prove Jeremiah 8:8 to be wrong and collect prize of $500.