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283 - کرسمس سورۃ مریم ۲۱ آیت کی روشنی میں
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Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Learn about Islam and its commonality with Christianity and teachings of Jesus, on www.islam-guide.com Jesus taught Islam(belief in one God and good deeds)
سبکچھ کے باوجود منزل دوزخ یا؟ سورۃ مریم ۷۱تا۷۳ ، سورۃ السجدہ ۱۲تا۱۳، سورۃ ھود ۱۱۸تا۱۱۹ ؟ ۷۲ فرقے جہنمی ۱جنتی جس کوئی نشان ہ پتہ نہیں؟ کیا بات کرے ھیں آپ؟ یوحنا ۱۴،۶ راہ حق زندگی کون؟
Isaiyaat aik unique mazhab hay,Paul ky ahmiyat isa say ziada,anjanay logon ky likhi gospel ko khuda ka kalam bana dala.Ab aap bhi isa say ziada muqadam ho gayee.Masha Allah.Kiya khoob isay ky haisiyat

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Learn about Islam and its commonality with Christianity and teachings of Jesus, on www.islam-guide.com Jesus taught Islam(belief in one God and good deeds)
سبکچھ کے باوجود منزل دوزخ یا؟ سورۃ مریم ۷۱تا۷۳ ، سورۃ السجدہ ۱۲تا۱۳، سورۃ ھود ۱۱۸تا۱۱۹ ؟ ۷۲ فرقے جہنمی ۱جنتی جس کوئی نشان ہ پتہ نہیں؟ کیا بات کرے ھیں آپ؟ یوحنا ۱۴،۶ راہ حق زندگی کون؟
Isaiyaat aik unique mazhab hay,Paul ky ahmiyat isa say ziada,anjanay logon ky likhi gospel ko khuda ka kalam bana dala.Ab aap bhi isa say ziada mudadam ho gayee.Masha Allah.Kiya khoob isay ky haisiyat

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Learn about Islam and its commonality with Christianity and teachings of Jesus, on www.islam-guide.com Jesus taught Islam(belief in one God and good deeds)
سبکچھ کے باوجود منزل دوزخ یا؟ سورۃ مریم ۷۱تا۷۳ ، سورۃ السجدہ ۱۲تا۱۳، سورۃ ھود ۱۱۸تا۱۱۹ ؟ ۷۲ فرقے جہنمی ۱جنتی جس کوئی نشان ہ پتہ نہیں؟ کیا بات کرے ھیں آپ؟ یوحنا ۱۴،۶ راہ حق زندگی کون؟

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Learn about Islam and its commonality with Christianity and teachings of Jesus, on www.islam-guide.com Jesus taught Islam(belief in one God and good deeds)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Learn about Islam and its commonality with Christianity and teachings of Jesus, on www.islam-guide.com

Anonymous user 7 years ago
`Read Nov 30.2017 page 6 of Ummat newspaper,read Ummat.net. interview "Isa nay khoab main islam ky rah dikhaiee"

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Advice of Jesus to 2 pastor student brothers of a pastor family in dream in same night .Read interview,Maryam Fatima say aik mulaqat,page 21 in Armughan magazine,january 2017,Read armughan.net

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Get $1000 if you tell me the gospel according to Jesus(written by him or in his time).Get $750 if you tell me who are the writers of Gospel.Get$500 if you tell me a gospel without contradictions.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Get $500 if u show where Jesus himself says in clear wordings"I am GOD" or "Worship me"

Anonymous user 7 years ago
The money ad has been running in US athesit magaizine for over 20 years yet no one claims the money award.Can YOU?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Chrisitans in Pakistan are not only doing blasphemy but also are changing Quran.
How can they expect them to be liked.?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Chrisitans in Pakistan are not only doing blasphemy but also are changing Quran.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
In English tr on google: https://archive.org/stream/AlItqanFiUlumAlQuran/AlItqanFiUlumAlQuran-SuyutiEnglish#page/n59/mode/2up/search/Ahzab
It is up to u what you believe. I find the English translation of the Arabic original work honest. You can compare it. Whatever ur excuses? On the Last Day the LORD will see to it. Blessings to U.
The Lord will see to you more as you never followed any of his commandment,worshipped him against his advise.Made 3 Gods,and found excuse not to do good by saying Jesus died for our sins.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
In English tr on google: https://archive.org/stream/AlItqanFiUlumAlQuran/AlItqanFiUlumAlQuran-SuyutiEnglish#page/n59/mode/2up/search/Ahzab
It is up to u what you believe. I find the English translation of the Arabic original work honest. You can compare it. Whatever ur excuses? On the Last Day the LORD will see to it. Blessings to U.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
we know in west very well how for the goal(money,power,or maligining opposite)researches and investigations are done.Even medical research is done to achieve goal of profit.This site is anti Islam.
Another proof for your post SM is that such disovery was never at the time of prophet and Quran was made to be known to others.Then those who memorized Quran from Prophet time didn't say it changed.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
we know in west very well how for the goal(money,power,or maligining opposite)researches and investigations are done.Even medical research is done to achieve goal of profit.This site is anti Islam.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
books are being written for the same purpose.For a book to make any sense it should be an impartial research not focused research to do what ever possible to prove it wrong.This is this site.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
In English tr on google: https://archive.org/stream/AlItqanFiUlumAlQuran/AlItqanFiUlumAlQuran-SuyutiEnglish#page/n59/mode/2up/search/Ahzab
The site is run by jews and christians to malign Islam./Quran/Muhammad.They write in one place "Our focus should be to attack to prove Quran is not dependable."with such claim unbias is gone.Many ....

Anonymous user 7 years ago
In English tr on google: https://archive.org/stream/AlItqanFiUlumAlQuran/AlItqanFiUlumAlQuran-SuyutiEnglish#page/n59/mode/2up/search/Ahzab

Anonymous user 7 years ago
الاتقان فی علوم القرآن عربی میں ادارہ دارالمعرفت بیروت جلد ۲ صفہ ۳۲ ۔ اردو میں ادارہ اسلامیات لاہورجلد ۲ صفہ ۶۴ الاحزاب کے حوالہ کے لئے۔

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
The site u refer is anti islam ptopaganda by all non muslim christians and jews.Not even 1 Muslim so can't be trusted for authenticity.But still I want to read english/Urdu translation.
The reference is in the book written by a Muslim. I have both the Arabic and Urdu translation from which I mentioned. If you do not send me an e-mail how can I send you the pdf then?
By a Muslim,doesn't mean he is Muslim he could be a non Muslim internally or even anti Muslim keeping a Muslim name as are many Christians or sadism is etc.
عن عائشہ قالت: کانت سورۃ الآحزاب تقرآ فی زمن النبیؐ مائتی آیۃ ، فلما کتب عثمان المصاحف لم نقدر منہا الا ماھو الآن۔ (کتاب الاتقان فی علوم القرآن تالیف شیخ الاسلام جلال الدین السیوطی الجزء الثنی ۔ص ۳۲)
Go to a library at a grand mosque and ask someone to get you this. Open the second volume and page 32. Like you I can only write here. I cannot post pdf files for you.
No it can be googled and there is nothing on page 32.u lied which u are very well known as and people like u are good to insult and lower educational status of zindagi TV to a propaganda outlet.
Here is link to Eng. translation found through google. Read the page on the right. https://archive.org/stream/AlItqanFiUlumAlQuran/AlItqanFiUlumAlQuran-SuyutiEnglish#page/n59/mode/2up/search/Ahzab

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
The site u refer is anti islam ptopaganda by all non muslim christians and jews.Not even 1 Muslim so can't be trusted for authenticity.But still I want to read english/Urdu translation.
The reference is in the book written by a Muslim. I have both the Arabic and Urdu translation from which I mentioned. If you do not send me an e-mail how can I send you the pdf then?
By a Muslim,doesn't mean he is Muslim he could be a non Muslim internally or even anti Muslim keeping a Muslim name as are many Christians or sadism is etc.
عن عائشہ قالت: کانت سورۃ الآحزاب تقرآ فی زمن النبیؐ مائتی آیۃ ، فلما کتب عثمان المصاحف لم نقدر منہا الا ماھو الآن۔ (کتاب الاتقان فی علوم القرآن تالیف شیخ الاسلام جلال الدین السیوطی الجزء الثنی ۔ص ۳۲)
Go to a library at a grand mosque and ask someone to get you this. Open the second volume and page 32. Like you I can only write here. I cannot post pdf files for you.
No it can be googled and there is nothing on page 32.u lied which u are very well known as and people like u are good to insult and lower educational status of zindagi TV to a propaganda outlet.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
The site u refer is anti islam ptopaganda by all non muslim christians and jews.Not even 1 Muslim so can't be trusted for authenticity.But still I want to read english/Urdu translation.
The reference is in the book written by a Muslim. I have both the Arabic and Urdu translation from which I mentioned. If you do not send me an e-mail how can I send you the pdf then?
By a Muslim,doesn't mean he is Muslim he could be a non Muslim internally or even anti Muslim keeping a Muslim name as are many Christians or sadism is etc.
عن عائشہ قالت: کانت سورۃ الآحزاب تقرآ فی زمن النبیؐ مائتی آیۃ ، فلما کتب عثمان المصاحف لم نقدر منہا الا ماھو الآن۔ (کتاب الاتقان فی علوم القرآن تالیف شیخ الاسلام جلال الدین السیوطی الجزء الثنی ۔ص ۳۲)
Go to a library at a grand mosque and ask someone to get you this. Open the second volume and page 32. Like you I can only write here. I cannot post pdf files for you.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
The site u refer is anti islam ptopaganda by all non muslim christians and jews.Not even 1 Muslim so can't be trusted for authenticity.But still I want to read english/Urdu translation.
The reference is in the book written by a Muslim. I have both the Arabic and Urdu translation from which I mentioned. If you do not send me an e-mail how can I send you the pdf then?
By a Muslim,doesn't mean he is Muslim he could be a non Muslim internally or even anti Muslim keeping a Muslim name as are many Christians or sadism is etc.
عن عائشہ قالت: کانت سورۃ الآحزاب تقرآ فی زمن النبیؐ مائتی آیۃ ، فلما کتب عثمان المصاحف لم نقدر منہا الا ماھو الآن۔ (کتاب الاتقان فی علوم القرآن تالیف شیخ الاسلام جلال الدین السیوطی الجزء الثنی ۔ص ۳۲)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
The site u refer is anti islam ptopaganda by all non muslim christians and jews.Not even 1 Muslim so can't be trusted for authenticity.But still I want to read english/Urdu translation.
The reference is in the book written by a Muslim. I have both the Arabic and Urdu translation from which I mentioned. If you do not send me an e-mail how can I send you the pdf then?
By a Muslim,doesn't mean he is Muslim he could be a non Muslim internally or even anti Muslim keeping a Muslim name as are many Christians or sadism is etc.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Such a big accusation need to be brought out in open not between u and me.u can put a page pdf in may be 10 or 20 posts.But such a thing every one should be told.
U have made a big accusation in public u should give quote in public.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Such a big accusation need to be brought out in open not between u and me.u can put a page pdf in may be 10 or 20 posts.But such a thing every one should be told.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
The site u refer is anti islam ptopaganda by all non muslim christians and jews.Not even 1 Muslim so can't be trusted for authenticity.But still I want to read english/Urdu translation.
The reference is in the book written by a Muslim. I have both the Arabic and Urdu translation from which I mentioned. If you do not send me an e-mail how can I send you the pdf then?

Anonymous user 7 years ago
The site u refer is anti islam ptopaganda by all non muslim christians and jews.Not even 1 Muslim so can't be trusted for authenticity.But still I want to read english/Urdu translation.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
SM,the criticism u raised on # of ayas in surah,I have read the book but don't find it.Plz.send me link of urdu or english translation of what u say.I have gone through urdu translation of it,no find
ours was only a reminder that the standard Muslim friends use for Bible can be used for Quran. Write to me from this link:http://www.itl-usa.org/contact-us ... and I will send you pdf of the pages.
U can put pdf of page hete
This site is of anti Islam people like u so can't be unbiased.The site Islam more than it loves truth.This book's Urdu translation needed.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
SM,the criticism u raised on # of ayas in surah,I have read the book but don't find it.Plz.send me link of urdu or english translation of what u say.I have gone through urdu translation of it,no find
ours was only a reminder that the standard Muslim friends use for Bible can be used for Quran. Write to me from this link:http://www.itl-usa.org/contact-us ... and I will send you pdf of the pages.
U can put pdf of page hete

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
SM,the criticism u raised on # of ayas in surah,I have read the book but don't find it.Plz.send me link of urdu or english translation of what u say.I have gone through urdu translation of it,no find
ours was only a reminder that the standard Muslim friends use for Bible can be used for Quran. Write to me from this link:http://www.itl-usa.org/contact-us ... and I will send you pdf of the pages.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
SM,the criticism u raised on # of ayas in surah,I have read the book but don't find it.Plz.send me link of urdu or english translation of what u say.I have gone through urdu translation of it,no find

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
عربیمیں اقتباس کا ترجمہ یہ ہے: ائشہ نے فرمایا کہ نبی (محمد) کے ایام میں سورۃ الاحزاب دوسو آیات کی پڑھی جاتی تھی ۔ پھر عثمان نے مصاحف لکھے تو اس وقت ہمیں موجودہ مقدار (۷۲ آیت) کے اور کچھ نہ پایا۔
This is wrong.We don't have any objection from Zaid,Ali,and other near to prophet or his family.Such books to lower the status of Quran have and are being written by opponents of Islam.
So you think Aisha who was one of the wives was not near to the family.Jalal al-Din (849 AH-911 AH) is the same person who along another wrote Tafsir al-Jalain. Muslims see him as Shaikh ul-Islam.
But we don't have any historical record of her saying this.First I don't trust you because your hatred of Islam is bigger than ur love for truth and God.SO I have to study this in little detail.
Dear Friend, I follow Jesus who advises to even love our enemies. I do not have hatred for any. I only desire that our friends on both side will know the reality of the matter - eternal life.
You follow Jesus so this is disgrace to Jesus.Reality of matter is that there is no book by Jesus,nor was written by him,nor he said I am God nor worship me.Nor he said trinity.Nor salvation on bleef
How about we deal with one matter at a time. Jesus himself as the living Word Kalima was the Gospel-Injil the living one. The narratives you read in the New Testament, he revealed them.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
عربیمیں اقتباس کا ترجمہ یہ ہے: ائشہ نے فرمایا کہ نبی (محمد) کے ایام میں سورۃ الاحزاب دوسو آیات کی پڑھی جاتی تھی ۔ پھر عثمان نے مصاحف لکھے تو اس وقت ہمیں موجودہ مقدار (۷۲ آیت) کے اور کچھ نہ پایا۔
This is wrong.We don't have any objection from Zaid,Ali,and other near to prophet or his family.Such books to lower the status of Quran have and are being written by opponents of Islam.
So you think Aisha who was one of the wives was not near to the family.Jalal al-Din (849 AH-911 AH) is the same person who along another wrote Tafsir al-Jalain. Muslims see him as Shaikh ul-Islam.
But we don't have any historical record of her saying this.First I don't trust you because your hatred of Islam is bigger than ur love for truth and God.SO I have to study this in little detail.
Dear Friend, I follow Jesus who advises to even love our enemies. I do not have hatred for any. I only desire that our friends on both side will know the reality of the matter - eternal life.
You follow Jesus so this is disgrace to Jesus.Reality of matter is that there is no book by Jesus,nor was written by him,nor he said I am God nor worship me.Nor he said trinity.Nor salvation on bleef

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
عربیمیں اقتباس کا ترجمہ یہ ہے: ائشہ نے فرمایا کہ نبی (محمد) کے ایام میں سورۃ الاحزاب دوسو آیات کی پڑھی جاتی تھی ۔ پھر عثمان نے مصاحف لکھے تو اس وقت ہمیں موجودہ مقدار (۷۲ آیت) کے اور کچھ نہ پایا۔
This is wrong.We don't have any objection from Zaid,Ali,and other near to prophet or his family.Such books to lower the status of Quran have and are being written by opponents of Islam.
So you think Aisha who was one of the wives was not near to the family.Jalal al-Din (849 AH-911 AH) is the same person who along another wrote Tafsir al-Jalain. Muslims see him as Shaikh ul-Islam.
But we don't have any historical record of her saying this.First I don't trust you because your hatred of Islam is bigger than ur love for truth and God.SO I have to study this in little detail.
Dear Friend, I follow Jesus who advises to even love our enemies. I do not have hatred for any. I only desire that our friends on both side will know the reality of the matter - eternal life.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
عربیمیں اقتباس کا ترجمہ یہ ہے: ائشہ نے فرمایا کہ نبی (محمد) کے ایام میں سورۃ الاحزاب دوسو آیات کی پڑھی جاتی تھی ۔ پھر عثمان نے مصاحف لکھے تو اس وقت ہمیں موجودہ مقدار (۷۲ آیت) کے اور کچھ نہ پایا۔
This is wrong.We don't have any objection from Zaid,Ali,and other near to prophet or his family.Such books to lower the status of Quran have and are being written by opponents of Islam.
So you think Aisha who was one of the wives was not near to the family.Jalal al-Din (849 AH-911 AH) is the same person who along another wrote Tafsir al-Jalain. Muslims see him as Shaikh ul-Islam.
But we don't have any historical record of her saying this.First I don't trust you because your hatred of Islam is bigger than ur love for truth and God.SO I have to study this in little detail.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
عربیمیں اقتباس کا ترجمہ یہ ہے: ائشہ نے فرمایا کہ نبی (محمد) کے ایام میں سورۃ الاحزاب دوسو آیات کی پڑھی جاتی تھی ۔ پھر عثمان نے مصاحف لکھے تو اس وقت ہمیں موجودہ مقدار (۷۲ آیت) کے اور کچھ نہ پایا۔
This is wrong.We don't have any objection from Zaid,Ali,and other near to prophet or his family.Such books to lower the status of Quran have and are being written by opponents of Islam.
So you think Aisha who was one of the wives was not near to the family.Jalal al-Din (849 AH-911 AH) is the same person who along another wrote Tafsir al-Jalain. Muslims see him as Shaikh ul-Islam.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
عربیمیں اقتباس کا ترجمہ یہ ہے: ائشہ نے فرمایا کہ نبی (محمد) کے ایام میں سورۃ الاحزاب دوسو آیات کی پڑھی جاتی تھی ۔ پھر عثمان نے مصاحف لکھے تو اس وقت ہمیں موجودہ مقدار (۷۲ آیت) کے اور کچھ نہ پایا۔
This is wrong.We don't have any objection from Zaid,Ali,and other near to prophet or his family.Such books to lower the status of Quran have and are being written by opponents of Islam.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
عربیمیں اقتباس کا ترجمہ یہ ہے: ائشہ نے فرمایا کہ نبی (محمد) کے ایام میں سورۃ الاحزاب دوسو آیات کی پڑھی جاتی تھی ۔ پھر عثمان نے مصاحف لکھے تو اس وقت ہمیں موجودہ مقدار (۷۲ آیت) کے اور کچھ نہ پایا۔

Anonymous user 7 years ago
عن عائشہ قالت: کانت سورۃ الآحزاب تقرآ فی زمن النبیؐ مائتی آیۃ ، فلما کتب عثمان المصاحف لم نقدر منہا الا ماھو الآن۔ (کتاب الاتقان فی علوم القرآن تالیف شیخ الاسلام جلال الدین السیوطی الجزء الثنی ۔ص ۳۲)

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
SM now you are confirmed to be a lier by presenting such full of lies books.The name is book but all writers are anti Islam christians and jews.Just as jews destroyed and changed gospel so work on qrn
کس کا قرآن حضرت مثل بن مسعود(ر) ،حضرت اُبی بن کعب(ر)حضرت زید بن ثابت (ر) حضرت عمر (ر) یا حضرت عثمان (ر) کے دور کا؟۷ یا۱۴ یا۱۰ سے زید قراتوں والا؟
Both Bible & Quran have a history of compilation. The question is not of integrity of preservation of text but salvation. Which book gives assurance of grace & eternity and how. Comment on such issue.
Jesus died for our sins ,kills the moral Incentive to do good deeds.So salvation is also suspicious as purpose of faith is spirituality that is absent in christianity.Think.
Quran says belief in one God and good deeds are needed for salvation,Christianity says,belief in Jesus as savior,while he himself used to pray to One God for his salvation so how can he give to other
Jesus never stopped people from Amal - doing good.His advice is: If you love me you will keep my commandment. We obey Him not so to get into paradise but because of His assurance & love for us.
U keep comandments?Did he say,trinity,salvation without deeds,or I am God.or worship me or eat pork or no circumcision..u actually reject him compleyely.Muslims follow him and what he said and taught

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
SM now you are confirmed to be a lier by presenting such full of lies books.The name is book but all writers are anti Islam christians and jews.Just as jews destroyed and changed gospel so work on qrn
کس کا قرآن حضرت مثل بن مسعود(ر) ،حضرت اُبی بن کعب(ر)حضرت زید بن ثابت (ر) حضرت عمر (ر) یا حضرت عثمان (ر) کے دور کا؟۷ یا۱۴ یا۱۰ سے زید قراتوں والا؟
Both Bible & Quran have a history of compilation. The question is not of integrity of preservation of text but salvation. Which book gives assurance of grace & eternity and how. Comment on such issue.
Jesus died for our sins ,kills the moral Incentive to do good deeds.So salvation is also suspicious as purpose of faith is spirituality that is absent in christianity.Think.
Quran says belief in one God and good deeds are needed for salvation,Christianity says,belief in Jesus as savior,while he himself used to pray to One God for his salvation so how can he give to other
Jesus never stopped people from Amal - doing good.His advice is: If you love me you will keep my commandment. We obey Him not so to get into paradise but because of His assurance & love for us.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
SM now you are confirmed to be a lier by presenting such full of lies books.The name is book but all writers are anti Islam christians and jews.Just as jews destroyed and changed gospel so work on qrn
کس کا قرآن حضرت مثل بن مسعود(ر) ،حضرت اُبی بن کعب(ر)حضرت زید بن ثابت (ر) حضرت عمر (ر) یا حضرت عثمان (ر) کے دور کا؟۷ یا۱۴ یا۱۰ سے زید قراتوں والا؟
Both Bible & Quran have a history of compilation. The question is not of integrity of preservation of text but salvation. Which book gives assurance of grace & eternity and how. Comment on such issue.
Jesus died for our sins ,kills the moral Incentive to do good deeds.So salvation is also suspicious as purpose of faith is spirituality that is absent in christianity.Think.
Quran says belief in one God and good deeds are needed for salvation,Christianity says,belief in Jesus as savior,while he himself used to pray to One God for his salvation so how can he give to other

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
SM now you are confirmed to be a lier by presenting such full of lies books.The name is book but all writers are anti Islam christians and jews.Just as jews destroyed and changed gospel so work on qrn
کس کا قرآن حضرت مثل بن مسعود(ر) ،حضرت اُبی بن کعب(ر)حضرت زید بن ثابت (ر) حضرت عمر (ر) یا حضرت عثمان (ر) کے دور کا؟۷ یا۱۴ یا۱۰ سے زید قراتوں والا؟
Both Bible & Quran have a history of compilation. The question is not of integrity of preservation of text but salvation. Which book gives assurance of grace & eternity and how. Comment on such issue.
Jesus died for our sins ,kills the moral Incentive to do good deeds.So salvation is also suspicious as purpose of faith is spirituality that is absent in christianity.Think.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
Anonymous user says
SM now you are confirmed to be a lier by presenting such full of lies books.The name is book but all writers are anti Islam christians and jews.Just as jews destroyed and changed gospel so work on qrn
کس کا قرآن حضرت مثل بن مسعود(ر) ،حضرت اُبی بن کعب(ر)حضرت زید بن ثابت (ر) حضرت عمر (ر) یا حضرت عثمان (ر) کے دور کا؟۷ یا۱۴ یا۱۰ سے زید قراتوں والا؟
Both Bible & Quran have a history of compilation. The question is not of integrity of preservation of text but salvation. Which book gives assurance of grace & eternity and how. Comment on such issue.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
All qurans are same.,proof,prophet taught Quran for 23 years,and 23 years they recite whole Quran in ramadan,and none of the prayees behind said it was different and same thing today.SM u get money.
If ur claim is correct then why the top and trusted Ashab were fighting with Osman over compailation and against his order of burning qurans belonging to them. Read Kitab al masahif & kitab itiqan

Anonymous user 7 years ago
All qurans are same.,proof,prophet taught Quran for 23 years,and 23 years they recite whole Quran in ramadan,and none of the prayees behind said it was different and same thing today.SM u get money.

Anonymous user 7 years ago
Anonymous user says
SM now you are confirmed to be a lier by presenting such full of lies books.The name is book but all writers are anti Islam christians and jews.Just as jews destroyed and changed gospel so work on qrn
کس کا قرآن حضرت مثل بن مسعود(ر) ،حضرت اُبی بن کعب(ر)حضرت زید بن ثابت (ر) حضرت عمر (ر) یا حضرت عثمان (ر) کے دور کا؟۷ یا۱۴ یا۱۰ سے زید قراتوں والا؟

Anonymous user 7 years ago
SM now you are confirmed to be a lier by presenting such full of lies books.The name is book but all writers are anti Islam christians and jews.Just as jews destroyed and changed gospel so work on qrn
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